I hereby invite all youth of the Diocese of Klerksdorp to a gathering that will be held at St. Joseph’s Hall in Alabama on the 18th of November 2017 at 8am. Those who have registered to go to Durban must have paid all their fares by this time.
We have got a donation for this trip and we shall subsidise transport for all those going to Durban. Costs now are as follows:
Accommodation and feeding R2, 250.00
3 Golf shirts R450.00
Provision for the way back: R50.00
Do note that those who do not have Diocesan Golf shirts as yet MUST have them by the time we go to Durban. They will be available for sale on the 18th of November.
Accommodation in Durban is now R2, 250.00. So those who registered later than 29th September will pay this amount.
The total amount payable is R 2,000.00 for those who registered early and R2, 250.00 for those who registered after September 29th. The price difference comes from the organizers in Durban, it is not our decision. We are giving you until the end of October to pay R2750.00. We cannot extend this thing anymore. Encourage your youth to pay and to be part of this trip. For all those who are applying now in October-November, please pay into the diocesan account. Those who have already paid their deposits to the MWYD account please do so, pay your balance there.
Program for November 18th is as follows:
8am: Arrival and registration
9am: Holy Mass
11:00 About the Trip to Durban
11:30am: Motivational speech
12:00 noon Address By Bishop Phalana
1.00 pm Lunch- You are requested to donate R30 for lunch
2:30 Pm Presentations by parishes
NB: Each parish will present 3 items of Music:
1. A Christmas Carol of their choice
2. Hymn in our Setswana Hymnal (Moya wa ga Jesu o intshepise)
3. Hymn no.43 in Our Sesotho Hymnal (Ke Tsatsi le monate)
The Constitution of the Youth of the Diocese shall be available at a cost.
Kind regards