Kgathallanang Development Centre is situated in Tigane location at St John Vianney Catholic Parish. It was opened in May 2015 with the aim of alleviating poverty in the pastoral district of Hartbeesfontein. Prior to this project, we had been receiving food parcels, clothes and blankets from the well wishers of the Cathedral and Alabama Catholic communities. We have more than 80 beneficiaries including the sick and aged. On Mandela Day the 18th of July 2015, and on October 30th 2015, the people around Tigane benefited from the handouts we collected from fellow Christians. During the Christmas week, we received food parcels from the Cathedral community which were distributed to the sick, aged and those less privileged in Tigane, Werda and Klippan. We sincerely thank these good people who have been assisting this project and the parish Pastoral Council of St John Vianney Parish (Tigane) for their support. We humbly request for further help and donations in kind. We have submitted our Project proposal to be registered.
Fr. Maurice Kalino