Prayer for Evangelisation


Lord Jesus Christ, you gave us the mandate to evangelise.
We need your power for we cannot do it on our own.
Give us the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim and witness
God’s unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion for all people.
We ask you to renew your Church for this purpose.
Renew us and grant us the experience of your love, forgiveness and compassion.
Give us a personal experience, a personal encounter with you.
Give us the passion to love you and proclaim your goodness.
Help us to lead more people to a personal encounter with you, our Living God.
May this encounter lead them to transformation and conversion.
May this encounter lead us to an experience of metanoia.
May we understand and live the Good News of the Kingdom.
Make us credible proclaimers of the message of salvation.
Make us relevant witnesses of love and liberation.
Make us a sign and an instrument of communion, unity and solidarity.
Give us the gifts of the Spirit to serve your people as they deserve.
Make us faithful in bringing the Good News into all the strata of humanity.
Transform humanity and make it new.
Make us faithful in our role as the conscience of society.
Give us courage to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people.
Give us the commitment to evangelise through the personal witness of our lives.
Give us the courage to proclaim your justice and mercy to all people.
Renew the energies of Your Church.
Teach us to use the limited human and material resources at our disposal
to the best of our ability.
Give us ways of becoming more and more inculturated.
Lord give us the courage to integrate the Christian experience and culture.
Bring about a new Church in Africa; that is truly Christian and truly African.
Give us the courage to make your Church a family, where people respect each other,
where all are welcome, where people share all they have.
Give us the gift of fidelity, to remain faithful to our vows and promises
so that we may be credible people who believe what we teach and practise what we preach.
Give us the strength to serve humanity with love and humility.
Give us the generosity to share the Word and to share our goods.
Transform us into a communion of communities, where all believers share gifts and responsibilities
and are active collaborators in the work before us.

AMEN. AMEN. (Bishop Phalana)