18 October 2018

Dear Priests, Deacons and People of God,
I have just come back from the pilgrimages with renewed energy to serve you in this diocese with joy. Thank you for your prayers.

Those who have been discerning their vocations may apply with immediate effect so that we can meet the registration deadline with St. Francis Xavier, Orientation Seminary, Cape Town.… Read more

Prayers for Christian Unity

An excerpt from the Prayer for Christian Unity – 2018 – From the Carribean.
In a manner typical of their shared culture, our sisters and brothers in the Caribbean put this faith to music with The Right Hand of God.

The right hand of God
is writing in our land,
Writing with power and with love;
Our conflicts and our fears,
Our triumphs and our tears,
Are recorded by the right hand of God.… Read more

Celebrating Bible Sunday: 26 August 2018

thumbnail of A5_Bible_Sunday_2018
Bible Sunday 2018 pdf

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful Word’ (Heb l: 3 NIV)

Bible Sunday is a reminder of the call of the Church to make the Holy Bible the centre and the source of our spirituality. Take time to read the Bible – the Word of God – for it can be compared to
listening to a Symphony being played out by the God of all that is created – a single Word is expressed in many ways: in Jesus Christ, in Creation, in Sacred Scripture, in the Eucharist.… Read more

Letter to the Moderator, Uniting Presbyterian Church in South Africa

11 JULY 2018

To The Uniting Presbyterian Church In South Africa,
Emseni Brentwood Park, Benoni;
To the out-going moderator Dr R. Munthali;
T0 The General Secretrary Rev Lungile Mpentsheni,
Greeting from the Catholic Church in Southern Africa and from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference in particular.

I am bringing greetings, prayers and best wishes to you on your special General Conference.

The Church of Scotland
On the 26th of October 2017, The Pope met the Church of Scotland delegation at the Vatican, just four days before Reformation Sunday.… Read more

Renew Africa

Bishop V Phalana & Archbishop Peter Wells


The aim of Renew Africa is to promote Pastoral renewal by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life and to connect faith with action through Small Christian Communities (SCC). It is a parish-centred, diocesan-wide process, focusing on evangelization and spiritual renewal. It aims at building SCC’s that can help build a self-sustaining church.Read more